Author Bio

Douglas A. Gordon, MD, FRCSC, FACS (Emeritus)
Hand and Microneurovascular Surgery
Dr. Gordon is a retired orthopedic surgeon whose practice was limited exclusively to treatment of patients with hand and wrist problems. He is a Clinical Professor Emeritus of Orthopedic Hand Surgery at Wright State University in Dayton, Ohio where he taught resident surgeons for 30 years. He is a Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons of Canada and a Fellow of the American College of Surgeons. In addition to his Board Certification in Orthopedic Surgery he holds a Certificate of Added Qualifications (CAQ) in Surgery of the Hand and is an emeritus member of the American Society for Surgery of the Hand.
He did undergraduate work at the University of Michigan and at Bishop’s University in Quebec, Canada where he obtained a BSc (Honors) degree with a double major in Biology and Psychology. He did cardiovascular and hemodynamic research for several years before entering medical school. He earned his MD degree from the University of Sherbrooke in 1981 (also in Quebec, Canada) and completed his orthopedic surgical residency at the same institution. He then did a Fellowship in Hand and Micro-neurovascular Surgery at the University of New Mexico in Albuquerque with Dr. George E. Omer, one of the founding fathers of hand surgery in the United States.
Dr. Gordon treated amateur and professional musicians on many occasions during his years of practice and developed a deep respect and appreciation for their skills, their dedication, and particularly for the special demands they place on their upper extremities. He hopes to help musicians better understand the functional intricacies of their hands and wrists in order to give them more objective means to avoid injury and to know when to seek appropriate and specialized treatment if it should become necessary.